Practical Tips & Checklists for Blackout Crisis Preparedness
In recent years, reports on the possibility of a widespread blackout in the United States, the United Kingdom and all over the world have been increasing.
During a blackout, there may be long power outages lasting up to 14 days.
Although government organizations try to provide basic services to the population even in crisis situations, especially in large cities, shortages can quickly arise.
Checklists for Personal Preparedness
The scenario of a blackout is no reason to panic, as with a bit of personal preparation it's possible to manage several days entirely without power in your own household.
In this guide, we have compiled information and practical tips in the form of checklists to support you in preparing for a longer power outage.
1. Create an Emergency Plan
Create your personal emergency plan to quickly react and behave correctly in case of an emergency.
2. Ensure Water Supply
Calculate how much water you need for multiple days of drinking water supply in your household during a blackout.
3. Set Up a Food Supply
Stock up on long-lasting food items to feed yourself and your family during the duration of the blackout.
4. Important Items
Prepare optimally for a multi-day power outage with these items.